Casa Aguila will arguably be the most advanced home ever built in San Diego County, looking to achieve many firsts for our region. It will be San Diego's first Certified Passive House, seek the County's first onsite wastewater treatment permit, seek the County's first permit to utilize all collected rainwater for all indoor water use, and strive for eventual grid-disconnection through utilization of battery power, Solar PV, and a 45-foot wind turbine (the blades alone are 17 feet tall!).

The project is located in Ramona, CA and is named for the Golden Eagles which frequently fly over the property.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Dual Axis Solar Trackers Installed By Precis Solar

Our project partner Precis Solar just finished installing the PV panels on our three Deger Dual-Axis trackers. Check out this one - our first tracker in a production position! Just a test, but it does look great!

Why Deger Dual Axis Trackers?
These trackers are the most productive panels per watt in all of California. Dual Axis Trackers are capable of omnidirectional tracking, unlike trackers that rotate on one axis (east-west) or are stationary (like roof-mounted systems). They use a technology called Maximum Light Detection, which means a device detects the point where the sun's radiation is most direct, and angles the tracker in that direction. This is different from astronomical tracking, which is the most common dual-axis tracker technology that follows where the sun should be in the sky, because is not necessarily pointed directly at where the sun is in the sky. It often is affected by reflective cloud or ground cover. This results in the maximum possible energy harnessed. 

The Microgrid and Precis Solar // Challenges and Solutions
At Casa Aguila, our goal is to push the envelope of energy efficiency in residential design. Because there are not many residential microgrids to model after, we have gathered many talented engineers and energy experts to design a system to eventually take Casa Aguila off-grid. Included in this team is Precis Solar, our awesome solar installer and Project Partner. They have been a huge factor in getting the solar and battery system to comply with County codes and remain a viable solution for the project.

The 22.1 kW solar PV array and 3.2kW wind turbine will be connected the house and to a 2.27 kW Outback EnergyCell backup battery.